Results for Business Communication
What are the different types of business letters? Explain with example. What are the different types of business letters? Explain with example. Reviewed by enakta13 on January 21, 2013 Rating: 5
Give short notes on communication network in the organisation? Give short notes on communication network in the organisation? Reviewed by enakta13 on January 21, 2013 Rating: 5
What is oral business communication? Explain its benefits to the organisation and to the individual employee. What is oral business communication? Explain its benefits to the organisation and to the individual employee. Reviewed by enakta13 on January 20, 2013 Rating: 5
ABC Ltd. wants to communicate about its corporate image to all its stakeholders and also to the general public. As an advisor, how do you recommend them to do it? ABC Ltd. wants to communicate about its corporate image to all its stakeholders and also to the general public. As an advisor, how do you recommend them to do it? Reviewed by enakta13 on January 20, 2013 Rating: 5
As a part of top management team, how would you communicate to your shareholders about the company’s expansion plans? As a part of top management team, how would you communicate to your shareholders about the company’s expansion plans? Reviewed by enakta13 on January 20, 2013 Rating: 5
Distinguish between circulars and notices along with formats? Distinguish between circulars and notices along with formats? Reviewed by enakta13 on January 20, 2013 Rating: 5
How would you prepare yourself for an oral business presentation? How would you prepare yourself for an oral business presentation? Reviewed by enakta13 on January 20, 2013 Rating: 5
What are the general principles of writing especially business writing? What are the general principles of writing especially business writing? Reviewed by enakta13 on January 18, 2013 Rating: 5
Explain the different types of communication with relevant examples? Explain the different types of communication with relevant examples? Reviewed by enakta13 on January 15, 2013 Rating: 5

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