Write down the difference between Personnel management and Human Resource management

• Personnel management is workforce centred, directed mainly at the organization‘s employees; such as finding and training them, arranging for them to be paid, explaining management‘s expectations, justifying management‘s actions etc. While on the other hand, HRM is resource –centered, directed mainly at management, in terms of devolving the responsibility of HRM to line management, management development etc. 

• Although indisputably a management function, personnel management has never totally identified with management interests, as it becomes ineffective when not able to understand and articulate the aspirations and views of the workforce, just as sales representatives have to understand and articulate the aspirations of the customers. 

• Personnel Management is basically an operational function, concerned primarily with carrying out the day-to day people management activities. While on the other hand, HRM is strategic in nature, that is, being concerned with directly assisting an organization to gain sustained competitive advantage.

HRM is more proactive than Personnel Management. Whereas personnel management is about the maintenance of personnel and administrative systems, HRM is about the forecasting of organizational needs, the continual monitoring and adjustment of personnel systems to meet current and future requirements, and the management of
Write down the difference between Personnel management and Human Resource management Write down the difference between Personnel management and Human Resource management Reviewed by enakta13 on February 13, 2013 Rating: 5

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