Explain the Big 5 model of personality?

The big five model of personality is designed to bring out behaviors an individual expresses in his dealings with people as well as in their response to changes in circumstances as well as the environment. Generally, these five factors of personality are used to come up with a description of the human personality. In this text, I explain Tisha‘s findings as well as look at how the predictions could be used to come up with a prediction of her success as a manager.

The big five model of personality 
Openness to experience
This factor acts to distinguish conventional individuals from those who are in one way or the other imaginative. Traits linked to individuals who are open to experience include intellectual curiosity, sensitivity to beauty as well as responsiveness to art. According to Cattell, H.E.P et al. (2007), such people are very creative and they are very likely to be more accommodating to beliefs considered unconventional. Such people are hence more likely to be accommodating to the views of others in the organizational setting and they are more likely to encourage innovation at the workplace. Tisha‘s high score shows that she will be more straightforward and more likely see the simple aspects of complex situations.

This factor shows an individuals ability and drive to achieve goals and strive for achievement. It also indicates that an individual has self discipline and prefers planned behavior as opposed to spontaneous behavior. Grucza et al. (2007) notes that individuals who score highly in conscientiousness have a good impulse control and tend to be goal oriented. Tisha‘s very high performance in Conscientiousness shows that she is organized and very attentive to detail. In an organizational setting, Tisha would be more likely to strive to ensure that organizational goals and objectives are met.

This factor consists of emotions that can be said to be positive as well as an industrious personality and ability to relate well with others. Cattell, H.E.P et al. (2007) notes that extraverts enjoy other peoples company and tend to be very active in group efforts. Tisha‘s high score in extraversion indicates that in the work setting as a manager, she would tend to encourage team work. She will also dominate board and other meetings and have a high chance of pushing her proposals and suggestions forward.

This factor is characterized by compassion and cooperation towards others as opposed to antagonism tendencies. Cattell, H.E.P et al. (2007) notes that such
individuals are easy to get along with and are more likely to be very accommodating to the views of others.
Tisha‘s moderately high score on this factor shows that though she will be accommodate others view, she will expect her views also to be taken into consideration. She is likely to trust her subordinates more.

This factor involves a high likelihood to get angry and have other negative emotions like anxiety. In most cases, this characteristic is linked to emotional instability. Individuals scoring low on neuroticism will experience bouts of mood swings triggered by frustrations by minor issues at the workplace (Grucza et al. 2007). Tisha‘s low score on this factor shows she will be more likely to cope with problems as a manager and she will tend to be calmer while handling difficult situations.
Explain the Big 5 model of personality? Explain the Big 5 model of personality? Reviewed by enakta13 on January 01, 2013 Rating: 5

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