Explain the characteristics of organization Development?

Values of OD This model places human centered values above everything else. They are the engine of its success. These values include mutual trust and confidence, honesty and open communication, sensitivity and to the feeling and
emotions of others, shared goals, and a commitment to addressing and resolving conflict (Buchanan and Huczynski, 1997, p.489). There are organizations who value these human attributes above all other quick fix benefits. Stephen Robbins (1986, p.461) expresses these human values more concisely as follows:
a) The individual should be treated with respect and dignity.
b) The organization climate should be characterized by trust, openness and support.
c) Hierarchical authority and control are not regarded as effective mechanisms.
d) Problems and conflicts should be confronted, and not disguised or avoided.
e) People affected by change should be involved in its implementation.
These values make OD a unique model and it will be shown later why it is the most suitable approach in resolving human afflictions and problems such as poverty alleviation.

OD Approaches
There are at least three planned change models that have been identified by Cummings and Worley (1997) as shown in figure II below. The first and the second are principally different but the third one is an improved version of Action Research methodology which has taken centre stage in the 1990s to take care of the trend of emerging mega organizations, strategic alliances, mergers and public – private partnerships. The improved version named the Contemporary Action Research model is of great interest to the workshop participants as it can be used to promote projects in both public and private organizations. Later in this paper it will be shown how it can be used to promote Poverty Reduction Strategies and gender mainstreaming in local government.
The distinction between Lewin‘s model and Action Research model is in the repetitive nature of action research. Lewin‘s model is a once only intervention. Buchanan and Huczynski, (1997) give seven steps that are followed in this intervention.
1. Scouting – the initial stages of consultant and client exchanging ideas on the problem and the appropriate approach.
2. Entry – contract is entered into to formalize the relationship of consultant and client.
3. Diagnosis – information gathering to define the problem and identify causes.
4. Planning – consultant and client members jointly establish the goals of an OD intervention and the proposed approach
5. Action – the intervention strategies are implemented.
6. Stabilization and Evaluation – the change is stabilized (freezing takes place) and the outcomes are assessed.
7. Termination – The consultant withdraws from the assignment.

The action research model differs in several particular ways with the Lewin‘s model. In action research the outcomes are fed back so that further improvements and changes can be made. This distinguishes this model as a cyclical and iterative process. The research aspect connotes a search for knowledge that may be used elsewhere.

OD Toolkits
The above outlined procedure is the process through which results area achieved but action research methodology has what are described as toolkits. These are used to address specific areas of problem. Once diagnosis is complete and the problem
identified one or more of these kits or interventions are employed to solve the problem. Some of these include; process consultation, change the structure, survey feedback, team building, inter-group development, role negotiation and sensitivity training. These are just a number but action research allows flexibility for the consultant to formulate a package of his own interventions to suit the client‘s needs. Such flexibility was illustrated through an OD consultancy in a local government organization.

Organizational Development Interventions
The Existence of certain conditions in an organization which may be described as the internal environment is sometimes assumed. Those who have been in an organization for too long cease to be conscious of such an environment and probably only newcomers notice such conditions. Different interventions are used when a need arises to change those conditions. Some of those interventions which are mentioned above deserve further explanation here.

Cultural Analysis
This is perhaps one of the most complex change action. Corporate culture is the result of long term social learning and constitutes of basic assumptions, values, norms and artifacts that have worked well in an organization. These are passed on to succeeding generations of employees (Cummings and Worley, 1997). Some of these may have arisen from the principles of the founder and subsequently reinforced by succeeding top hierarchies of the organization. They may have an emphasis on product quality, customer care or employee relations. When problems arise the first question which would arise is how do we do things here? The answer
will inform the type of solution that emerges. Therefore the organizational culture influences organizational strategy, performance and policies. To change organizational culture may be a traumatic experience and will require careful analysis and handling. Such is the trauma that was experienced by American companies in the 1980s when they adopted the Japanese approach which was influence by a strong organizational culture of employee participation, open communication, Security and equality.

Process Consultation
People conceive consultation as that situation where an expert is invited to advise an organization that is experiencing a problem. Edger Schein, (1998) has distinguished three types of consultations as; the expertise model, the doctor – patient model and the process consultation model. The first model assumes that the client purchases from the consultant some expert information or service that he is unable to provide for himself. In the doctor – patient model involves an activity similar to sickness diagnosis. The client who suspects or feels there is something wrong in the organization invites the doctor (consultant) to diagnose the organization so that he can advise on what is not right. The symptoms of the sickness may be low sales, employee instability or falling product quality. The doctor (consultant) diagnoses, prescribes and administers the cure. In this two models the knowledge and expertise remains with the expert and leaves the client fully dependent on the expert for future problems. OD advocates process consultation promoted by Schein who defines the process as:
―The creation of a relationship with the client that permits the client to perceive, understands, and act on the process events that occur in the client‘s
internal and external environment in order to improve the situation as defined by the client (Schein, 1998, p.20)‖.
Schein argues that both the expert and the doctor models are remedial models while as the process consultation model is both remedial and preventive. The purport of this model is to engage an external consultant on a flexible advisory capacity to work with the clients members in diagnosing the problems, planning the actions and finding the solutions together. This way the consultant helps the organization‘s individuals to understand internal problems and build capacity to identify appropriate problem – solving action. The consultant need not be an expert in the problem at hand but his expertise is in facilitating a process that carries everybody in the search for solutions. This approach follows the rationale that the answers are with the people. So the only help required is leadership in diagnoses and in the process through the various stages. The purpose also is to ensure that once the consultant leaves the people have the capacity to solve the next round of problems. In the first two models the consultant will have to be recalled each time a new problem arises or an old one recurs.

Structure Change
This is an intervention that helps change the structure of an organization to make the work more interesting, challenging or productive. It may involve such activities as job enrichment, job enlargement, formation of autonomous work teams or business re – engineering. Other actions may involve decentralization/centralization in an organization, flattening or extending of an organizations structure or even redesigning of focus from region to product or vice versa.

Team Building
Team work is vital to the functioning of modern organizations. Members of teams bring different strings to the group such as leader, investigator, motivator, finisher, clown, coordinator, thinker, negotiator or politician. These roles are used at different stages of production when such role play becomes essential in the groups work. Teams take over from hierarchical systems where individuals are assumed to know everything depending on their level in the authority ladder. This system denies the organization the cumulative advantage of skills and strengths in different individuals.

Role Negotiation
A misunderstanding between two individuals in an organization or group can affect its effectiveness. This is usually caused by lack of shared awareness, misunderstanding or lack of trust. This intervention helps to clarify individual perceptions and mutual expectations so that differences can be identified and reconciled or resolved.
Explain the characteristics of organization Development? Explain the characteristics of organization Development? Reviewed by enakta13 on January 15, 2013 Rating: 5

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