What is oral business communication? Explain its benefits to the organisation and to the individual employee.

According to a 2005 study published in the Journal of Employment Counseling, oral communication skills are being increasingly sought after by employers. When surveying over 100 successful businesses, researchers found that more and more employers are emphasizing the development of good speaking skills in their employees. With this in mind, the concept of oral
communication is an important idea to study and understand in the context of business.

One form of oral communication in a business setting is a presentation. Presentations are usually an organized conveyance of information to a group of people. Stylistically, they tend to be far more formal than informal, and rely more heavily on data and facts than they do analysis.
Presentations are sometimes more persuasive in nature, like a pitch for an ad campaign, but tend to be informative more often, such as an employee briefing or a report on quarterly earnings.
Presentations may include some dialog after the sender of the message has finished their speech, but they are, by and large, much more monologue reliant. This makes
it important for the speaker to anticipate possible objections to the message and address them in the actual speech.

Client Interaction:
Another form of oral communication in business encompasses interaction with clients.
Depending on the level of connection between the employee and the client, the communication in these interactions can range from incredibly formal to informal and casual. These interactions usually include a combination of data and analysis, and will be more persuasive than informative in nature, as the employee is trying to encourage continued and expanded business with the client. Because of the nature of these interactions, the communication is definitely a dialog, making listening skills incredibly important.

Interoffice Interaction:
Oral communication in the office can be referred to as interoffice interaction. This is comprised of conversations with superiors, subordinates and co-workers. Depending on the levels of power separation between the individuals engaging in conversation, the communication will fluctuate between formal and informal, though it should always remain professional. Conversations in this
context may reference data, but will be much more analysis heavy, and will be a dialog by nature.

Oral communication in business provides a variety of benefits. First, oral communication is accompanied by nonverbal signifiers, which provides context
that can enhance understanding in the communication process. Posture, facial expressions, and habitual movements may provide
clues as to an individuals feelings about the ideas being discussed. Even in telephone conversations, pitch, rate, volume and tone of the respective speakers can help in understanding sentiments.
Oral communication also provides a springboard for relational development. Unlike with email, memos and chat functions, which tend to take a task-oriented approach to communication, the immediacy involved in oral communication allows for instant feedback and a more relational approach. This is important, as strong relationships in business often lead to more profitable and productive cooperation.
What is oral business communication? Explain its benefits to the organisation and to the individual employee. What is oral business communication? Explain its benefits to the organisation and to the individual employee. Reviewed by enakta13 on January 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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