What are the differences between Service Marketing and Product marketing?

Service Marketing vs Product marketing
Service marketing is different from product marketing. The customer can touch the carpet, but not the act of cleaning it--and that's an important difference. Nearly all products are a bundle of goods and services.
When a customer purchases a car, he’s also purchasing a warranty. Nonetheless, there are products, such as cleaning, that are nearly pure services.

The following are important differences:

1. In product marketing, the marketer markets a tangible thing. But in service marketing, a marketer markets an intangible thing or object.
2. In product marketing, the customer can evaluate the product before purchasing. He can try on a jean before buying it. But how does a person evaluate a hair cut before the service is performed?
3. A service cannot be advertised effectively. Because a service cannot be pictured in an advertisement or displayed in a store. In product marketing, there is no such problem.
4. Price of a product is determined on the basis of its cost of production. Determining the cost of producing and delivering a product is much easier than for service. Thus pricing is very difficult in service marketing.
5. In service marketing services are produced and consumed simultaneously. Products can be purchased and stored at home. This is not possible with service.
6. Since the production and consumption of service are simultaneous, unused service capacity cannot be stored for a future time. Thus marketers face difficulty in balancing supply and demand of services. Product marketers handle supply-demand through production scheduling and inventory techniques.
7. Standardization is possible in product marketing, while it is not possible in service marketing.
What are the differences between Service Marketing and Product marketing? What are the differences between Service Marketing and Product marketing? Reviewed by enakta13 on September 28, 2019 Rating: 5

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